Saturday 30 August 2008

Vessels, White Fields And Open Devices

Post tilt has come to be something of a tautological label of late. Once the preserve of cutting off edge acts of the Apostles whose mere existence and experimental voyages served as a refreshing antidote to the ill-scented retro-fetishism of Britpop, the label has oft been used as an apologize by any number of talentless no marks whose acquaintance with originality and creativity canful barely be registered on nodding terms.

All of which serves to make White Fields And Open Devices, the debut album from Leeds phoebe Vessels, a cause for celebration. Though the band occasionally sails a short too nearly to their influences � both Altered Beast and An Idle Brain And The Devil's Workshop ar less Battles and more a small skirmish � taken as whole, this collection is both thrilling and thought-provoking in equalise measure.

Vessels' high-speed collision of metal guitars, misrepresented dance beatniks and an aesthetic of confrontation becomes increasingly convincing as they methodically up the agitation quotient. Choosing Explosions In The Sky's knob-twiddler John Congleton to helm production duties was an inspired move and the re-recorded versions of early singles Two Words And A Gesture and Yuki bear testament to this as elsewhere, the sonic vortex that beats at the heart of Wave Those Arms, Airmen brings the whole experience to a cataclysmic and gloriously discordant conclusion.

Despite the intermittent hiccough � Vessels really should decide whether they require to be an instrumental or outspoken band and the evidence certainly suggests the one-time option � this boldness debut stands head and shoulders higher up the mediocre dross from their hometown that's vying for your attention.

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